On the one hand, even though she paints herself as a simple citizen, fighting for the rights of the everyman, she has made enough impression on enough people that all she says is suspect. To support this idea, I heard that the NY Times put as many as 10 reporters on this book to do fact checking. I am sure you will see any of their bashing of the book in the conventional media.
On the other hand, Sarah Palin has been given the shaft by big politics. She spends the lions share of the book giving full explanations to many of the media stories that have made her (in)famous. It is truly sad that politics in this great nation has become a popularity contest and if you are popular and don't have a lot of money backing you, you might as well go home to middle america and shut up. Because us the big dogs are going to sabotage any chance you might have at succeeding.
She was simply a neighbor wanting to make sure government was fiscally responsible when she became mayor. She was looking be fiscally responsible as Governor. She calls a spade a spade and doesn't apologize for it. She isn't looking to succumb to lobbyists and whiners. She has her own agenda which seems to be energy. I would think she would be a prize on any presidential cabinet dealing with energy and leading the charge for the country to utilize renewable energy and wean us off foreign oil.
I am biased. I am extremely fiscally conservative. I am also very socially conservative. Does this make me a republican, I wish, but our current parties are broken and both are fairly close when it comes to responsible government spending.
Will you read this book again? No
Would you suggest this book be added to a personal library or leave it at the public library? Public Library. I don't think there is any need to review it or read it again. The only reason to buy it would be to loan it out to others.
Reviewed By Mike W - Twin Cities, MN
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