Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Book Repository

My goal with this blog is to be able to create a repository of 1000 books that can be referred to when looking for information or reference. A repository of the nuggets of wisdom and lessons learned from a book. This should give me a reminder of whether this is a book worth reading again, or for the first time, or whether it is not worth the read. Every book is worth at least a few good nuggets of information.

The structure of the posts has no consistency yet, but hopefully over time I will adopt a standard to how reviewing/reporting on the content is presented for each book.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback and hope this becomes a place that others will use to check out reports on books and help you make the decision to read a book. Please let me know if you have a specific book that you would like reported on and I will add it to my reading list, or if you would like to add reports to the site, let me know, I want this to be helpful to anyone looking for book references or reviews.

Each post will have a clickable image of the book that takes you to another website, generally Amazon, to make it easy to find and purchase the book, however most of these books are also available at your public library.

Thanks for visiting.

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