Friday, February 19, 2010

Super Freakonomics by Stephen J Dubner and Steven D Levitt

This book is a followup to the best selling Freakonomics by Stephen J Dubner and Steven D Levitt. If you enjoyed their eclectic choice of economic paradoxes before, you will not be disappointed by Super Freakonomics. Whether describing the supply and demand of prostitution based on customer demographics or laying out the fundamental problems with the global warming debates that are pervasive in our political arena currently, they use entertainment to make you feel smarter about the economics of the world.

An economic purist might take offense to the simplistic approach of this author team of a rogue economist and reporter at heart. The wordplay they use to make their points can at times take advantage of the ignorant reader, but you can't find fault in much of the data they are collecting and reporting on.

Will you read this book again?
Probably not, but I would recommend it to others.
Would you suggest this book be added to a personal library or leave at the public library? Public Library. It is entertaining, but not something I would likely come back to.

Reviewed By Mike W - Twin Cities, MN

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