This book teaches about speed reading, however it really goes deeper than just about reading. It is more a book about study skills. I really believe the content in this book belongs in class rooms around the world.
-Your study location, proper light, proper posture
-Exercise your eyes, calm yourself, relaxation techniques to learn to properly focus on what you are studying.
-Take time to review the table of contents and the appendix of a book prior to studying/reading it.
-Make notes to the key points of the book.
-The content determines the speed in which you take the content in.
-Content that is familiar is done at high speeds
-Make notes in the margin rather than re-reading things that need review or are important.
Speed Reading:
-Note how fast you currently read.
-Practice reading in sections rather than word by word. Train your mind to see sentences rather than non-audible talking. Silence the talking and start taking in larger chunks of words at once.
-First a few words at a time
-Then one line at a time
-Then multiple lines at a time.
Speed reading is a learned skill that requires constant training. Your comprehension will get better and better the more and faster you read.
This book is a keeper and should be passed on to generations after you.
Speed reading should be a skill developed by anyone that is interested in continual learning. You should never quit learning, just like you should never quit reading.
Will you read this book again? Yes
Would you suggest this book be added to a personal library? Yes
Reviewed By Mike W - Twin Cities, MN
hi, after going through this book, could you plz tell me as how fast can you read in words per mint...